Saturday, July 31, 2021

 Dear spark friends.

I wanted to write one more blog before sparkpeople ends to let you all know how precious each and everyone of you are. This website changed my life and countless others as well. I will forever be so thankful to Chris Downie for pouring so much of his money and time into sparkpeople and for creating a site that supported one another through the ups and downs of our lives.
Not only in our physical state, but our mental and emotional. Never could I have imagined joining a website where I found so many friends, several of whom I met in person, several whom I have never met, but consider my very good friends and would certainly love to meet someday and enjoy a lovely cup of coffee or tea together.
Thank you all for everything that you brought to sparks. For the love, the comradery, the laughs, the blogs, the virtual trips we were all able to take by seeing it through your eyes.
Thank you all for being part of my journey. It has been absolutely incredible.
As the sun sets on sparks, let's hope we all find the support we need in another venue.
More to come as we go through this journey called life. Be the best that you can be. Be kind, be supportive, be forgiving, be happy, find joy whenever and wherever you can.
Know that you are beautiful no matter your weight. Weight is just a number, it will never define you.
Go boldly forward and know that you can do it. Small steps, big steps, crawling, running, do what you can.
Thank you all! You are all amazing! The sun will keep on rising. Never give up!


  1. Coming over from Spark to follow your blog -LizAndra

  2. Well said have added you to my reading list wonderful lady :)

  3. Thanks so much for finding me! I will follow you back. Have a great Sunday!

  4. So glad to find you here. I so enjoy your blogs as they give me inspiration. Thank you for all of the thoughts!
    Jschutte also known as soccermom99 @ SP

  5. You have summed it up perfectly. Glad you're here!

  6. Good morning Holly, I'm so happy I found this. Thank you for your wonderful friendship on Spark. I miss reading your blogs and status. Have a wonderful October.
    Hugs and smiles,


  Dear spark friends. I wanted to write one more blog before sparkpeople ends to let you all know how precious each and everyone of you are....